Nail Gems on Teeth: A Sparkling Trend for a Radiant Smile



Hey readers! Are you ready to take your smile to the next level? Nail gems on teeth are the latest beauty trend that’s turning heads and adding some serious sparkle to your pearly whites. In this article, we’re going to delve into everything you need to know about this dazzling addition to your dental décor.

What are Nail Gems on Teeth?

Nail gems, as the name suggests, are tiny decorative pieces typically used in nail art. They come in various shapes, sizes, and colors, and are designed to adhere to the surface of your teeth. These gems can be made from a variety of materials, including glass, crystal, and cubic zirconia, which gives them a sparkling and eye-catching appearance.

The Pros and Cons of Nail Gems on Teeth

As with any trend, there are both pros and cons to consider when it comes to nail gems on teeth.


  • Aesthetic Appeal: Nail gems add a touch of glamor and individuality to your smile, making it stand out from the crowd.
  • Non-Invasive: Unlike more permanent dental treatments like veneers, nail gems are a non-invasive way to enhance your smile without altering the structure of your natural teeth.
  • Temporary: Nail gems are not permanent and can be easily removed whenever you want. This allows you to experiment with different styles and colors without any long-term commitment.


  • Potential Damage to Teeth: If not applied or removed properly, nail gems can damage the enamel of your teeth.
  • Possible Irritation: The adhesive used to attach the gems can irritate the gums or soft tissues in your mouth.
  • Hygiene Concerns: Nail gems can create tiny crevices where bacteria can accumulate, potentially leading to oral health issues.

How to Apply and Remove Nail Gems on Teeth

If you’re considering adding nail gems to your teeth, it’s crucial to approach it carefully and follow these guidelines:


  • Professional Assistance: For optimal safety and placement, it’s highly recommended to have nail gems applied by a qualified dental professional.
  • Tooth Preparation: Your teeth will be cleaned and prepared to ensure the gems adhere properly.
  • Gem Placement: The dentist will carefully select the gems and place them on your teeth using a special adhesive.


  • Professional Removal: Once again, it’s advisable to have nail gems removed by a dentist.
  • Careful Technique: The dentist will use a dental tool to gently lift and remove the gems without harming your teeth.
  • Aftercare: After removing the gems, brush and floss your teeth thoroughly to maintain oral hygiene.

Nail Gems on Teeth: Different Styles and Inspiration

The world of nail gems on teeth is vast and offers endless possibilities for creativity. Here are some unique styles to spark your imagination:

Single Accents:

  • Place a single, small gem on a prominent tooth, such as the front or canine.
  • Opt for a clear or diamond-like gem to create a subtle yet elegant accent.

Clusters and Lines:

  • Arrange multiple gems in a cluster or line along the surface of your teeth.
  • Experiment with different colors and sizes to create a dramatic and eye-catching effect.

Tooth Art:

  • Use nail gems to create intricate designs or motifs on your teeth.
  • This requires significant skill and precision, so consider seeking professional assistance.

Table: Nail Gem Types and Their Characteristics

Gem Type Material Appearance Durability
Glass Glass Transparent or colored Moderate
Crystal Swarovski crystal Highly reflective, clear or colored Good
Cubic Zirconia Semi-precious mineral Diamond-like, clear or colored Excellent


Nail gems on teeth offer a fun and glamorous way to enhance your smile. However, it’s essential to approach them with caution and consult with a qualified dental professional for safe application and removal. Whether you choose a single accent or a dazzling design, nail gems can add a touch of sparkle to your pearly whites. Don’t forget to check out our other articles for more captivating dental trends and tips!

FAQ about Nail Gems on Teeth

Can I get nail gems on my teeth?

Yes, it is possible to get nail gems placed on your teeth.

How are nail gems glued on teeth?

Dental adhesive is used to bond the gems to the surface of the teeth.

How long do nail gems last on teeth?

With proper care, nail gems can last for several months or even a year.

Is it safe to have nail gems on my teeth?

Yes, nail gems are considered safe to use on teeth as they are made of non-toxic materials.

Will nail gems damage my teeth?

No, nail gems will not damage your teeth when applied and removed by a dental professional using proper techniques.

Can I eat with nail gems on my teeth?

Yes, you can eat with nail gems on your teeth, but it’s recommended to avoid hard foods that could dislodge the gems.

Can I floss with nail gems on my teeth?

Yes, you can floss with nail gems on your teeth, but be gentle to avoid catching the gems on the floss.

How do I remove nail gems from my teeth?

Nail gems should only be removed by a dental professional to avoid damaging the teeth.

How much do nail gems cost?

The cost of nail gems varies depending on the size, shape, and material used.

Can I use nail gems at home?

No, it is not recommended to apply nail gems yourself as it requires specialized dental techniques and materials.
